Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Flaming Sword"

"A flaming sword I wish to be in the holy ministry." so wrote Blessed Luis Guanella in formulating his plans on the eve of his priestly ordination, occurred May 26, 1866.

In the words "flaming sword", we can see a vibration of his childhood. There is also a clear prophetic vision springing from his religious experience and biblical studies.

As a child there was the custom among the mountaineers of the Alps where Father Luis grew up of turning large fires on the eve of the Assumption, even the tradition continues today.

A suitable place was prepared where children and young people spread among the pines and firs to collect firewood. Then, when it was night, in the presence of fathers and mothers, with songs and dances and prayers, the bonfire was lit in honor of the Virgin Mary.

While the glow of the flames appeared to fight the darkness of the night, all eyes were fascinated by the play of sparks and crackling of the firing consumed.

Now the memory so vivid of that fire was returning in his mind on the eve of his Priesthood. It becomes a fire of Pentecost, or echo of the Mount Horeb, where Moses was faced with a bush that burned but not consumed, and suddenly a sublime Voice called to him: 'Moses, Moses!", from where the adventure of Exodus began. Even Father Luis is called to live the mystery of ordination, which would lead him to become an ardent apostle of charity and Founder.

- Fr. Domenico Sagginario, sdc

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