Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Founder’s Feast on Oct, 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Placing our children in God’s care
Always a Child at Heart
"Flaming Sword"
"A flaming sword I wish to be in the holy ministry." so wrote Blessed Luis Guanella in formulating his plans on the eve of his priestly ordination, occurred May 26, 1866.
In the words "flaming sword", we can see a vibration of his childhood. There is also a clear prophetic vision springing from his religious experience and biblical studies.
As a child there was the custom among the mountaineers of the Alps where Father Luis grew up of turning large fires on the eve of the Assumption, even the tradition continues today.
A suitable place was prepared where children and young people spread among the pines and firs to collect firewood. Then, when it was night, in the presence of fathers and mothers, with songs and dances and prayers, the bonfire was lit in honor of the Virgin Mary.
While the glow of the flames appeared to fight the darkness of the night, all eyes were fascinated by the play of sparks and crackling of the firing consumed.
Now the memory so vivid of that fire was returning in his mind on the eve of his Priesthood. It becomes a fire of Pentecost, or echo of the Mount Horeb, where Moses was faced with a bush that burned but not consumed, and suddenly a sublime Voice called to him: 'Moses, Moses!", from where the adventure of Exodus began. Even Father Luis is called to live the mystery of ordination, which would lead him to become an ardent apostle of charity and Founder.
- Fr. Domenico Sagginario, sdc
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The colorful celebration of Linggo ng Wika was held on August 18, 2010. This was conducted in the morning, and the flow of the program was consisted of various types of performances such as exhibition of students’ skills in their own mother tongue called Tagalog, dance performance by the parents, an enactment by our special children, prize distribution, dance performance by speech and hearing impairment students and awarding the winners. The children who had come to attend this program had been dressed with traditional manner and in a creative way. Fr. Eduardo Cerbito and Fr. Antonisamy Selvaraj were the one who presided over the program.
This program was mainly facilitated by Learning Program Department Teachers namely Mrs. Marsha Cruz, Mr. Louis Llames and Miss Luz Ramirez. The performers of this program were mostly from learning program children and special children. Prizes and awards were granted to the children. The various contests were Banana Eating, Hitting the pot, Pabitin, drawing and elocution. The children and their parents had actively participated in this special program.
Soon after the program we had the fellowship table in which many of the participants had filled their stomach with delicious food. On this precious occasion of sharing about this program we realized the powerful blessings of God which had made our celebration meaningful and successful. We too thank everyone who had supported us spiritually and materially to conduct this program for the good of children at our Guanella Center.
- Fr. Antonisamy Selvaraj
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The members of the Lectors & Commentators together with the Liturgical Usherettes Ministries opened the new mission year with a recollection held in the seminary chapel of the Servants of Charity last July 4, 2010. Sem. Butch Mendones and Novice Cesar Estiller—who are both handling the two (2) liturgical ministries respectively for this new mission year—facilitated the said event. The recollection served as a spiritual journey to prepare its members in their tasks and responsibilities as Ministers of the Word and in preparation for a meaningful celebration of the Sunday Eucharist.
- Bro. Cesar Estiller
Oratorio (Children Ministry)
Every Sunday afternoon, the Servants of Charity conduct catechism for children at the Guanella Center where kids below twelve years old are nourished spiritually by the fundamental aspects of our Catholic faith. The program normally begins at three o’clock in the afternoon and is facilitated by seminarians Carlos Arevalo and Vincent Ladines. The program begins by teaching the children how to pray—from the proper way of doing the sign of the cross to various prayer recitations. Song and dance activities are also included plus story telling of biblical and/or fairy tales which aim to teach moral lessons and values followed by a brief catechism lecture. Last but not the least, the children are entertained with games where prizes are up for grabs. The Servants of Charity cathechism aims to bring children closer to God so that they may establish a concrete foundation of our faith.
- Sem. Vincent Ladines
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday Enrichment with Sr. Ma. Socorro Garachico, CM
It was the 26th day of June when the Servants of Charity finally begun its monthly Saturday Enrichment for the seminarians. The said Saturday Enrichment seminar was made possible by Sr. Socorro Garachico of the Carmelite Missionaries, who is a catechist for no less than 46 years (...and still counting!). Sr. Socorro discussed the importance and objective of catechism, as well as the selfless mission of a catechist. Her extensive knowledge and experience in catechism have given the seminarians enlightenment, so that they’d be able to share that light to those who are in the shadows of God’s grace. Sr. Socorro ended the lecture by giving the seminarians the format on how to prepare an effective lesson plan for catechism. Sr. Severina of SCG, together with four aspirant members also joined the seminar.
- Vincent Ladines
The Start of New Academic Year at our Guanella Center
As we have begun our New Academic Year at our Guanella Center I would like give a picture of our activities to the people who are collaborative and co-operative in our mission. On the 1st week of June, we began our Physical Therapy for our resident children; walk-in clients may join them for activities in this new Academic year. There are 20 beneficiaries who receive physical therapy rehabilitation at our Center regularly.
With regard to Learning Program, the students underwent Entrance Exams, oral and written. After succeeding in Entrance Exam they enrolled for school last June 15. Total number of learning program students are 68, 38 of them are kindergarten and 30 in preparatory. In comparison to the total number of students last year which only reached 29 in both kindergarten and preparatory age, (2009-2010), this year garnered more students.
SPED (Special Education)
On the same day as the Learning Program, SPED class also commenced. There were 13 pupils in the class of Mrs. Flordeliza Bumacod who is in- charge of non-graded school children with disabilities. Under this Program there are four students with autism, two children with Down syndrome, two children with Osteogenesis Imperfect, two MR, one mentally challenged, one with Cerebral Palsy and one with Speech delayed.
Hearing and Speech Impairments
Under the Hearing and Speech Impairment Program of Mr Marvin Lava, there were 11 hearing and speech impaired students.
After sharing about our activities at our Center in this new Academic Year, I feel happy that our mission has been more flourishing and fostering. It is the blessing of God that has been vibrant in doing our mission at our Center. Therefore, let us keep praying to the Lord that he might bless all ways and steps that we take to edify and empower the underprivileged students at our Center.
- Fr. Antonisamy Selvaraj
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monthly Message from Our Provincial Work in Progress
Moving around our communities spread throughout our Divine Providence Province, we may feel like being in the midst of a large ‘construction site’; and may even see signs posted, indicating ‘work in progress’.
In Quezon City, Philippines, a new more spacious home for twenty differently-abled children and young adults is under construction. In India, the foundation stone of the new parish of our Lady of Divine Providence has been recently laid and blessed. Also in Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, our special children will soon experience love and receive care in a simple but functional and welcoming new multipurpose ‘open tent of charity’. In Chelsea, MI USA the St. Louis Center is expanding it’s space to improve it’s services in this special Golden Jubilee Year of that Community. Truly Divine Providence keeps extending its generous hands to sustain our commitment as servants and friends of the poor.
While we strive to make more room for the people entrusted by the Lord to our care, we are reminded by Him in this Easter season to become ourselves, ‘living stones,’ for building the Kingdom of God day after day.
During this month of May, forty-four young Guanellian brothers are renewing their decision to work full time for the Kingdom, entrusting themselves to the Lord who is drawing the plans of that project and is seeking our generous cooperation to bring to fulfillment the dream of the Father: the dream of a human family gathered around Him, the dream of a world transformed into a home where everyone is accepted, and respected in his/her unique divine dignity.
In this month of May, as we honor Mother Mary the first missionary of the Gospel, many confreres are making themselves available for new mission assignments within and out side of our Province. The construction site may change; they may be assigned to different tasks, and they may need to develop new skills and competences. But they know that the construction plans are drawn by the Divine Architect and they are co-workers in building a new heaven and earth.
Indeed there is ‘work in progress’ in our communities and mission centers. Let us continue to allow the Lord to use our hands, the bricks of our human availability, the cement of our fraternal solidarity, the sand and gravel of our daily sacrifice, the iron bars of our courageous fidelity and the running water of our daily joyous Yes . He certainly knows how to use our construction materials and value the trust of our heart.
To all, a joyful Marian month ushered in by St. Joseph, the Patron of the workers, the model of all the Kingdom’s builders.
Fr. Luigi De Giambattista, SdC
Provincial Superior